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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Updated: Sep 9, 2023

President Debbie Herbert called the meeting to order at 5:30. Attendance included Secretary Tami Long, Treasurer Susan Strahle, Trustees Linda Wiles, Salli Pritts and Donna Hayes. Vice-President Anna Jesse was absent. Librarians present were Vicki Carr and Lori Nixon.
February 2023 minutes and financial report were read and approved as written.
Vicki Carr reported January cko 490 and computer use at 19.
Trustee/Committee Reports: Review of Policies-We went over and updated the policy Committee Recommendations. Linda Wiles motioned that all the Review of Policy Books were reviewed, updated in all the Committees’ books as of March 14, 2023. Susan Strahle seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
State Standards Review for Per Capita Grant: On March 14th, 2023 at the regular South Macon Public Library Board meeting Chapters 1-6 of the Library Standards Manual were reviewed. Topics discussed were Core Standards, Governance and Administration, Personnel, Access, Building Infrastructure and Maintenance and Safety. Discussed where areas that have changed and areas that the library board and staff can work on to improve.
ALA Grant-Libraries Transforming Communities submitted February 22, 2023 for $10,000-$20,000. Grants awarded in April 2023.
Kids night scheduled-April 26, 2023 with Bev Durham from Just Paint it.
Long time patron Bev Damery passed away last month and one of her memorials was to the South Macon Public Library. Donations were received and Vicki will write Thank you cards and let us know what the total was at the April meeting. Discussion was made to purchase books with the donations as Bev was such an avid reading. A memorial will be put in each book that the Library will purchase with the donations.
Library Staff Activities/Programs Update:
Vicki will attend The Small Pubs Meeting on April 19, 2023 in Tolono. The Library would like to host a meeting in the future which the Board approved. Vicki will also attend an Adult Services Meeting-April 21, 2023.
First Grade Bookworm for the month of February is completed which has 2 readers.
Lori and Brittany will be attending the Reaching Forward South Conference in O’Fallon, IL. This is training for support staff on April 14, 2023.
“Blind Date with a Book”: wrapped up with good participation again this year.
Tami Long discussed the City Program “Music in the Park” which will start in May and end in October. The program is a Community event and is 1 time a month. The event will be a farmer/vendor market in the morning with local bands playing in the afternoon. Tami asked if the Library would like to be one of the sponsors. If they decide to be a sponsor the Library’s name will go on the banner that will be made up listing the sponsors. A motion was made by Salli Pritts to sponsor and donate $100 to the Music in the Park Program now and then another monetary amount after the event begins. Donna Hayes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Debbie Herbert donated $100 in the Library’s name to the Decatur Quilters Guild at the Civic Center. If you donate $100 you get 5 free tickets. The Library’s mane would be added in the Guild’s advertising. Discussed putting up a display with a quilt in the Library and put a jar out for people to sign up and that can win 1st prize 3 tickets, 2nd prize 2 tickets.
Next library meeting April 11 at 5:30 pm.
Salli Pritts motioned to adjourn, 2nd by Susan Strahle. All in favor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:46.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tami Long, Secretary

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