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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Updated: Sep 9, 2023

Vice-President Anna Jesse called the meeting to order at 5:38. President Debbie Herbert was absent due to illness. Attendance included Secretary Tami Long, Treasurer Susan Strahle, Trustees Linda Wiles, Salli Pritts and Donna Hayes. Librarians present were Vicki Carr and Lori Nixon.
January 2023 minutes were read and approved. January 2023 financial report approved.
Vicki Carr reported January cko 491 and computer use at 21.
Trustee/Committee Reports: Will continue Review of policies. We went over the policy committee recommendations. Anna Jesse motioned to approve 2nd by Susan Strahle. All in favor and motion carried. The next committee meeting will be March 13 at 2:00PM.
Unfinished/Ongoing: Per Capital Grant must Review Standards for Illinois Public Libraries. A schedule was set to review in March and April 2023.
Grant update-submitted the Penguin Books Grant for $1000 on 12/8/22. Received email we did not receive this grant.
Vicki is working on the ALA Grant-Libraries Transforming Communities which is due 2/28/23 for $10,000-$20,000.
Ladies’ night scheduled 3/8/23 with Next of Kiln. (Bunnies and Ducks)
The library plans to start a monthly Throwback Thursday. Pictures will be posted on Facebook of Macon and the surrounding area in years gone by to see if people can guess about the picture or share memories. Patrons will be encouraged to come to the library to see the original newspaper article.
Election information discussed.
Library Staff Activities/Programs update.
Vicki attended the Medium Pubs meeting on 1/31/23 and brought back ideas to apply to our library.
Lori spoke with the first grade-schoolers about Bookworm and stopping in at the library for books and prizes.
The library began “Blind Date with a Book” and hope to have good participation again this year.
Beverly Damery, a very dear patron of the library passed away unexpectantly. She will be missed dearly.
Next library meeting 3/14/23 at 5:30pm.
Donna Hayes motioned to adjourn, 2nd by Susan Strahle. All in favor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:08.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tami Long, Secretary

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