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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

President Debbie Herbert called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. In attendance were President Debbie Herbert, Vice-President Anna Jesse, Treasurer Susan Strahle, Secretary Tami Long, Trustee Donna Hayes, Librarians Vicki Carr and Lori Nixon. Trustees Salli Pritts and Linda Wiles were absent.

The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved as written along with the July 2023 financial report.
Librarian’s Report: Vicki Carr reported July 633 checkouts; computer use is at 49.

Trustee/Committee Reports: Annual Review of Policies completed. Vicki reminded the board members to complete the Sexual Harassment Training for Trustees (training book at the library) and Open Meetings Act Training (on-line).

Unfinished/Ongoing: ALA Grant-Libraries Transforming Communities. The SMPL Staff and Starting Point from the Macon County Health Department presented their programs to the Senior Group on August 1st as part of the Grant. There was much interest in the programs offered and the library does hope to host a diabetes class in the near future.

New: *Illinois Humanities Grant opportunity *Secretary’s Book was audited July 19th *Budget Ordinance discussed. Tami motioned to accept and Donna seconded. Roll call for a vote to accept was made with Debbie, Susan, Anna, Tami, and Donna all in favor. *On September 14th at 10:30 AM there will be a Retention of Records Meeting. Susan recently went to a meeting and thought it would be beneficial for the library to participate.

Library Staff Activities/Programs Update: *Ladies Night August 16th at 6 P.M.-Royal Creations with Lisa Royal, Bracelet Making *Small Pubs Meeting at SMPL 10 A.M.-Noon on August 24th at the Library *Ladies Night September 13th at 6 P.M.-Next of Kiln fall project *Book Club October 18th at 4 P.M. *Kids Night November 8th at 6 P.M.-Christmas Ornaments *Ladies Night November 29th at 6 P.M.-Air Fryer Class with the U of I Extension

A motion to adjourn was made by Anna Jesse and seconded by Susan Strahle. All in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 6:32 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tami Long

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