Meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m. by President Debbie Herbert. Trustees
attending were Linda Wiles, Donna Hayes, Anna Jesse, Debbie Herbert, Susan Strahle,
Salli Pritts. Trustee Tammi Long was absent. Also in attendance were director Vicki
Carr and Assistant Lori Nixon.
Financial Report:
Salaries and book amounts were corrected for the year and Summer reading programs
is over.
Librarian’s Report:
Circulation for June was 401, computer use was 51 and patrons assisted was 609.
Trustee/Committee Reports:
ALA grant Round One is complete and round Two is underway. Vicki has applied for
Illinois Humanities $10,000 grant and feels confident about receiving it.
Welcome new library clerk, Joann Glacken.
Received quotes for painting the library. Parking lot quote: $1,400 and we ask for the
“TIF” money at the City Council meeting to help out. Painting quote is $2,950.00
We approved the library board meeting dates for 2024/2025.
We set up committees to review personnel and audit the minutes.
Library Staff Activities/Programs:
An Update was given and all programs are going well. During July 20 th Music in the
Park, we will be raising money for our sign with a food booth, etc. An additional event
was added on September 11thh. Stained Glass window decoration from 6 to 8 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:37 pm with a motion by Susan Strahle and seconded by
Donna Hayes. All agreed.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Wiles, trustee acting on behalf of the secretary