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Meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by President Debbie hHerbert.  Trustees attending were Tami Long, Debbie Herbert, Susan Strahle, SallI Pritts.  Trustees

Donna Hayes, Anna Jesse and Linda Wiles were absent.  Also in attendance were director Vicki Carr, Assistant Lori Nixon and Ed Flinn.

Financial Report:   

Ed Flinn was in attendance to present information on the budget and the levy ordinance that will reflect a 71% increase to our budget.  

Motion made to approve the Budget Ordinance by Susan Strahle and seconded by Tammy Long.

Librarian’s Report:  Circulation for July was 550, computer use was 58 and patrons assisted was 574

Trustee/Committee Reports:  Discussion of upcoming events and the need for volunteers to make the Bluey event run smoothly.  The library will host a teen Zombie Apocalypse event run by the 4-H on Wednesdays starting 9/25, 10/9, 10/16, and 10/23.

The upcoming election for Trustees will require petitions to be circulated and returned for Donna Hayes, Anna Jesse, Tammy Long and Linda Wiles, if they decide to run again.

Preparations are underway for painting of the interior of the library which will take place the last week of August. 

Cleaning and sealing of the parking lot to take place on 10/13-10/14.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:35 pm with a motion by Salli Pritts and seconded by Tammy Long.

Respectfully submitted,

Salli Pritts, trustee acting on behalf of the secretary

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